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ESOL Campus

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ESOL Campus

Brooklyn Public Library, N.Y.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

Students can take advantage of a catalog of courses to achieve personal and professional success. In order to meet the growing needs of Limited English Proficient (LEP) learners, Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) has developed and expanded its offerings to attract and retain students as they develop their language skills.


Countless reports document the growth of Limited English Proficient (LEP) populations across the country and New York State. In New York City, over 1.7 million residents report that they speak English “less than very well.” Brooklyn (Kings County) is one of the top counties that has seen a spike in LEP populations. Between 2005 and 2013, Brooklyn saw an over five percent increase in foreign born populations and there was a 16 percent increase in adult LEP residents. Although funding hasn’t increased with costs, BPL blends various programs to offer LEP students a menu of courses to satisfy growing needs.

Key Elements of Innovation

BPL has bundled federal, NYS, and NYC government funded ESOL classes with private and donor supported classes to offer a continuum ranging from basic ESOL to more advanced level classes for immigrant professionals and entrepreneurs. Learners can start in a conversation group on citizenship; join a beginner class on integrating to New York City; progress to an intermediate level class on financial literacy; move to an advanced class on workplace culture, business English, or job readiness; take writing classes followed by courses on business planning. Instead of making external referrals, BPL has diversified to keep pace with needs.

Achieved Outcomes

Growing demands and challenging mandates will require libraries to integrate their various funded programs to create a seamless student experience. BPL has developed a suite of classes for LEP students to achieve their personal and professional goals at the library campus. In a given year, BPL serves over 1,000 ESOL students, many of them taking advantage of multiple offerings and advancing on the continuum. We’ve seen returning students from our ESOL programs transform their lives by becoming empowered self-advocates, taking advantage of all NYC has to offer, becoming workplace and job ready, growing financially savvy, and launching viable businesses.