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Evergreen Community Center and Library

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Evergreen Community Center and Library

Wichita Public Library

Library Operations & Management | 2023

Innovation Synopsis

Wichita Public Library collaborated with the City of Wichita's Office of Community Services to collocate two key city services into one building and invited other community partners to occupy office space to better serve Wichita's growing Hispanic population. This new structure drives greater equity to community services.


The Evergreen Branch was in need of renovations, and the building was too big just for the library. A former city council member proposed putting the library and neighborhood resource center into one building, providing a one-stop shop for essential community services. The library serves much of Wichita's Hispanic population and residents have voiced concerns about having to use two separate facilities to receive services. Extra office space inside the building meant other partners could office out of the facility.

Key Elements of Innovation

The library leveraged technology and floating service points to provide customer service throughout the branch. Community spaces were included in the design, like study conference rooms with movable partitions to make smaller spaces for more programs. A row of offices on one side of the facility provides space for community partners to operate out of, like the neighborhood resource center, Empower (entrepreneurial nonprofit for Hispanic community) and Kansas Hispanic Education and Development Foundation.

Achieved Outcomes

The need for centralized community services gave the Library the opportunity to create a one-stop-shop for residents in partnership with other organizations. It gave us the ability to create strategic partnerships to ensure residents in this community are receiving the best service. It also gave the Library the opportunity to develop community placemaking projects and activities, like murals inside the building and a story walk at the neighboring park.