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Exploring Reconciliation

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Exploring Reconciliation

Edmonton Public Library, Alberta

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

EPL’s "Exploring Reconciliation" series was introduced in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and its Calls to Action. Developed in collaboration with indigenous communities, the series provides an opportunity for all Edmontonians to deepen their understanding of how they can be part of reconciliation.


The TRC has raised awareness of the experiences of thousands of Canadians affected by the residential school system and provided Calls to Action to help begin the journey towards reconciliation. Through the work of the TRC and local community consultation, the Edmonton Public Library recognized a need for learning and healing in the community. The "Exploring Reconciliation" series provides opportunities for community members to engage with, and learn from, each other.

Key Elements of Innovation

The "Exploring Reconciliation" series has provided opportunities to: • Learn about the Indian Residential School system and its impacts. • Develop a deeper understanding of the history and significance of the TRC Report and Calls to Action. • Discover what reconciliation means for individuals and their communities by making personal connections with presenters and other learners. Events have included: • Speakers on the theme of reconciliation • Blanket Exercise • Film presentations • Storytelling events

Achieved Outcomes

EPL’s services are driven by the input and ideas of the communities we serve. By working together we have been able to reach wide, diverse audiences and to share culture and traditions. Over 1,000 people attended "Exploring Reconciliation" events through the year and our website received 8,000+ page views. 99 percent of survey respondents indicated that they would recommend the series to others. Comments demonstrated that participants learned more about residential schools and what reconciliation means.