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Extreme Summer Reading Makeover

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Extreme Summer Reading Makeover

San Jose Public Library, Calif.

Innovation Synopsis

By forming a strategic collaborative with significant community partners, focusing on key educational priorities, and using mobile technology, San José Public Library expanded the impact of its summer reading program, increased access and participation, and brought new attention to the importance of summer learning.


The Library sought to transform its summer reading program from a traditional recreation activity to an intentional summer learning experience that increases family literacy, prevents summer learning loss, and aligns with school and community priorities such as science and math education and wellness. Across San José, the program should be recognized as an essential summer experience, not an optional activity. Further, in the “Capital of Silicon Valley,” residents are tech-savvy and connected. Even in the regions of the City with fewer economic resources, residents are likely to access the Internet via their cell phone. To increase access and broaden its reach, 21st century appeal was needed. Summer Reading had to get digital and go mobile.

Key Elements of Innovation

The Library re-branded the program as the Summer Reading Challenge to encourage reading 20 minutes per day - an evidence-based approach to disrupting summer learning loss. The Challenge embedded four themes, READ, LEARN, EXPLORE, AND ENERGIZE, to emphasize literacy, STEAM learning, discovering library and community resources, and building healthy habits. The innovation “gamified” the Challenge with a reading time tracker and a BINGO style activity grid of experiential learning activities connected to the themes. It also introduced a Summer Reading website, iOS, and Android app developed collaboratively with volunteer engineers from eBay. To implement this Summer Reading Challenge, the Library formed over 20 strategic partnerships that included high-tech companies and organizations, museums, media, and local sports teams.

Achieved Outcomes

A record-breaking 23,243 participants accepted the Summer Reading Challenge – over 1,100 more than the previous year. Parent participation increased by 60%, 84% of families read an average of 20 minutes per day, and evaluations indicated that the program format increased family reading. 43% of participants took the Challenge through the website or app, vastly expanding access to the program. The focus on STEAM learning more than doubled program participation with 59,600 attendees taking part in STEM and arts activities at 1,512 programs. Partnerships enforced the core themes - Children were inspired to read and exercise by San José Earthquakes’ professional soccer players, Tech Shop fueled the maker in everyone, and 7,000 participants explored the Children’s Discovery Museum.