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Family Prosperity Initiative

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Family Prosperity Initiative

Salt Lake County Library Services, Utah

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis


Most newcomers come to the United States so that their children can have opportunities for success and education that are not available in their home countries. Many refugees and new immigrants may not understand the importance of being financially literate and how it can help them succeed in the U.S. For adults who are struggling with language literacy and English proficiency, the concept of financial literacy can be intimidating. Additionally, free and trusted guidance is not easy to find.

Key Elements of Innovation

To support refugees and newcomers in their efforts to become self-sufficient, partner agencies identified the need to provide quality and culturally appropriate programming to build understanding and literacy surrounding financial concepts such as basic banking, budgeting, future planning, credit products, and the consequences of utilizing credit in Utah and the United States. FPI partners have developed a unique financial literacy curriculum for insertion into English, life, and health education classes, as well as stand-alone classes addressing advanced concepts. When our community members succeed, we succeed.

Achieved Outcomes

At the end of the grant period, the FPI will have provided over 1,200 individuals from the immigrant and refugee communities with foundational financial literacy skills. These individuals will have acquired the confidence and skills to better manage their finances, to build assets, and to share that information with others in their community. Additionally, the curricula and related resources will remain available for use online and in the community.