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First Club Card

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First Club Card

Dayton Metro Library, Ohio

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

First Club’s goal is to ensure that all first graders in the DML service area have library cards. First graders are learning to read, gaining independence and exploring the broader world – and their place in it. It’s an ideal time to access all the library has to offer.


The importance of access to books and other learning materials for children is proven, especially for those in low-income households. DML children’s librarians needed an exciting campaign to facilitate their first grade library card efforts and increase participation. They designed effective materials that initiate contact with teachers and administrators and motivate classroom participation. They also needed lively tools to communicate concise messages to children and their parents. First Club is a comprehensive campaign that addresses these needs, demonstrates the accessibility of the neighborhood library branch and positions the library as a vital partner in educational achievement.

Key Elements of Innovation

The First Club campaign features original characters Felix and Fiona, “first graders” who experience the firsts many children that age experience: going to school, gaining independence – and getting a library card. Felix and Fiona appear on fun, interactive display boards for lively classroom presentations and star in their own picture books written by Cosmo and illustrated by Pip (DML mascots). The books’ large, colorful format allows librarians to share them easily in classrooms. All students receive First Club branded wristbands and stickers to wear home, along with branded library card applications for their parents to complete.

Achieved Outcomes

Enrollment ended in December 2015 with 3,182 library cards issued, a 15 percent participation increase over 2014 (when librarians did not have branded marketing materials). Fifty one classes had 100 percent participation, up from 31 classes (2014). Sixty four percent of all first graders in the DML service area now have library cards. Children’s Librarians now have the support tools needed to forge partnerships with teachers and make a positive, memorable impact on young students. The materials can be used again and again, introducing new first-grade classrooms to the joys of their library for years to come.