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Five Free Fridays of Jazz

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Five Free Fridays of Jazz

Memphis Public Library and Information Center, Tenn.

Innovation Synopsis

This spring, Memphis Public Libraries hosted “Five Free Fridays of Jazz” in partnership with the Levitt Shell, a historic Memphis outdoor music venue. The event drew a diverse audience of over 5,000 frequent Levitt Shell and non-library patrons into the library space to discover and re-imagine its civic role.


In Memphis, as in many other cities, libraries are frequently perceived by the public as irrelevant book repositories reserved for quiet activity as opposed to the vibrant, adaptable cultural and resource centers they truly are. Memphis also suffers from a long history of racial and economic segregation that makes the library’s role as a shared space with programming for everyone uniquely important to the unification of the community.

Key Elements of Innovation

Music excites, unites and surprises, especially in a library setting. The library partnered with the widely-cherished Levitt Shell to expose their existing patrons to the library’s location and offerings and vice-versa. The library chose jazz musicians for the series to highlight one of our community’s assets and expose audiences to a genre with significant cultural relevance in our city. By making the five evening events free, the library honored its commitment to access for all.

Achieved Outcomes

An incredibly racially and economically diverse audience of over 5,000 people attended "Five Fridays of Free Jazz" at the library, and nearly 200 people signed up for library cards at the event. The library distributed information about other programs to the audience while they enjoyed the performances and many patrons requested that the series happen every year. The performances allowed frequent library visitors to reimagine their library and new visitors to see all it offers.