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Getting Informed About Health Insurance Options

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Getting Informed About Health Insurance Options

DC Public Library, District of Columbia

Health & Wellness

Innovation Synopsis

During the Affordable Care Act enrollment period, DC Public Library and DC Health Link established an enrollment center inside the central library, held enrollment events at branches throughout the city, and hosted a major health fair to ensure DC residents were informed about health insurance options and the enrollment process.


The 2013 launch of the Affordable Care Act provided an unprecedented opportunity for Americans to obtain affordable health insurance. With a limited window of opportunity within which to enroll, with misinformation about the Affordable Care Act abounding, and with many individuals navigating health insurance for the first time, there was a great need for regular, trusted access to information and resources. The DC Public Library partnered with the DC Health Link, the local health insurance exchange, to provide information about insurance options, assistance with the enrollment process, and access to the technology necessary to enroll.

Key Elements of Innovation

DC Health Link implements the health insurance exchange for the District of Columbia. Both DCPL and DC Health Link are committed to helping individuals make informed healthcare choices, and DPCL had a major partnership role in connecting District residents with health insurance information and enrollment support. The partnership manifested in three major ways. The first was a fixed enrollment center at the central library. The enrollment center was open six days a week from November 2013 through April 2014 and was staffed by DC Health Link certified assisters, creating a constant and consistent support structure for District residents. Beginning in March, Health Link also coordinated with the tax assistance program at the library, ensuring individuals understood the tax implications of the Affordable Care Act and connecting those individuals with assisters if needed. The second element focused on connecting with residents in their neighborhoods. The library and Health Link organized more than 80 enrollment events across 19 neighborhood libraries, touching all wards of the city. If customers needed assistance setting up an email account for the enrollment process, they could get immediate support from a library staff person. The third element was a major health fair held in November 2013 to attract significant media attention to the health insurance program, provide enrollment assistance, and promote healthy living. Speakers included Congressional Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, DC Mayor Vincent Gray, and the head of the DC health insurance exchange. Activities included workshops for small business entrepreneurs, 12 booths for individual consultation, healthcare screenings, performances, and fitness workshops. Over 500 people attended.

Achieved Outcomes

The library was one part of the collective effort to connect District residents with the new health insurance options, helping individuals who may never have had insurance before select a plan and enroll before the deadline. As of April 1, over 40,000 District residents enrolled in a health insurance plan through The enrollment center at the DCPL central library saw more than 2,000 visitors, and was relocated to a larger space during the final weeks of the enrollment period to accommodate the influx of visitors. Beyond the immediate goal of informing District residents about their health insurance options and the enrollment process, this partnership raised the profile of the library as a partner for city agencies and as a trusted source for health care information.