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Going Radical with Open+

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Going Radical with Open+

Gwinnett County Public Library, Ga.

Innovation Synopsis

Responding to outcries for additional service hours without funding or staffing to make it happen, Gwinnett County Public Library and Bibliotheca found a way for a radical notion to become a treasured norm at the Lawrenceville branch. Open+ now affords library customers an additional ten open hours each week.


The library's installation of "Open+" was the first in North America, so there was no public familiarity with this service model. However, card holders soon understood they could safely use a fully automated facility unobstructed by the bustling public. This appealed to those who enjoy the "quiet time" between 8 and 10 a.m. Several staff members arrive after 9 a.m. to prepare for the day but honor each customer's use of the facility without interruption.

Key Elements of Innovation

The self service kiosks and printing stations are key elements as each has introduced greater self service in a library setting. A calm voice with a British accent alerts customers to the public opening. Administrative staff in close proximity view activity in the branch on monitors but have not needed to intervene. Customers have full use of public computers, Wi-Fi, holds pick up and exclusive use of their favorite collection.

Achieved Outcomes

"Open+" requires customers to opt into the service and today there are 345 library users who have registered to use the branch prior to public opening. During the first month of operation 17 customers braved this new frontier. One year and 520 extra open hours later, the inaugural 17 has transformed into an average of 100 users per month who savor the use of branch during the morning weekday hours.