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Happenings Magazine

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Happenings Magazine

Palm Beach County Library System, Fla.

Advocacy & Awareness | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

A four-color magazine, Happenings, replaced an event newsletter. Articles, advertisements and special sections promote our products, services, staff and activities to help achieve our strategic plan’s goals and objects. Fourteen thousand copies are distributed to 400+ schools and local agencies to demonstrate the library’s value to the community.


For the past few years, PBCLS' Integrated Marketing Communications team has focused on streamlining processes to be more efficient while still producing quality promotional materials. An analysis of time and funding showed that our focus was on activities while funding was spent on the collection, services, online resources and salaries. With this in mind, we determined that our marketing efforts should focus on these tax-funded areas and that are included in our strategic goals. The magazine provides a better format to market these areas and also the events.

Key Elements of Innovation

A Drupal-based event site, Eventree, was created in-house to streamline production of the monthly magazine and event flyers for 17 locations. Custom reports provide content for special sections and highlighted events in the magazine. Eliminating production of 90+ individual event flyers each month reduced copy and poster printing costs and allows us to produce editorial content that shows the benefits the library provides to the community. The eye-catching magazine is distributed to 400+ schools and local agencies.

Achieved Outcomes

Happenings allows us to showcase all the benefits we offer the community. Since June 2018, we promoted the strategic plan goals with 200+ articles, features and ads focused on the collections, online resources and classes, subject specialists, annual celebrations, partnerships and general library information. Distributing it in the community helps builds the library brand and promotes our mission to connect, inspire and enrich lives while fulfilling our vision to open minds to a world of unlimited possibilities.