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HCLS Chapters-of-Our-Lives Time Capsule Guardians

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HCLS Chapters-of-Our-Lives Time Capsule Guardians

Howard County Library System, Md.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

To celebrate its 75th anniversary, HCLS planned a year-long celebration that culminated with the induction of students as Guardians of the HCLS Chapters-of-Our-Lives Time Capsule, a collection of three containers to be opened every 25 years. The students pledged to guard HCLS’ legacy, passing on their duties in 2040.


To celebrate its 75th anniversary, Howard County Library System planned a year of festivities beginning with a gala, continuing with commemorative library cards, selfie contests and other events, and culminating with Celebrate 75! A Community Anniversary Fest that drew 1,600 people in October. The finale began with the induction of 136 middle school students as Guardians of the HCLS Chapters-of-Our-Lives Time Capsule, a collection of three containers, to be opened in 2040, 2065, and 2090. The students pledged to carry the first chapter of the HCLS’ legacy forward for the next 25 years and pass on their duties in 2040.

Key Elements of Innovation

HCLS gathered items representative of HCLS and 2015 for the HCLS Chapters-of-Our-Lives Time Capsule. To protect its legacy, HCLS invited middle school students to serve as Guardians. Students submitted an application and photo, answered two sets of identical questions (answering as their 2015 and 2040 selves), and pledged to return in 2040 to pass on their duties to new Guardians. Together, the two generations will open, re-seal, and replace the capsule, then fill a second one with new items. This process continues every quarter-century until all three capsules are opened by the third generation of Guardians in 2090.

Achieved Outcomes

Community response was overwhelming. Exceeding the goal of 75, 136 students from every public middle school were inducted as Guardians in October 2015. Local, state and federal officials eagerly attended the culminating event and presented proclamations in honor of this milestone. Dozens of community members suggested items to be included in the capsule. Parents expressed their gratitude for allowing their children to be part of history. “Thank you for organizing this once-in-a-lifetime event, which is very meaningful not only to our kids, but also to us as parents. I am proud to be part of this event.”