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High Interest Collection Yields High Usage

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High Interest Collection Yields High Usage

Columbus Metropolitan Library, Ohio

Innovation Synopsis

Columbus Metropolitan Library set a goal of 50 percent of the print collection checked out for all locations. Emphasis was put on customer-centric selection, displaying high interest titles throughout the building, monitoring collection reports and all staff involved in maintaining the collection and engaging in reading conversations with customers


CML aims for a print collection that exceeds customer expectations. We want customers to think of the library first anytime they want a book and when they visit, we want them to find either the specific title that prompted their visit or discover new ones. Our success is demonstrated by the library's books being in customer's homes instead of sitting on library shelves. The challenge for staff is to increase the percent of the collection checked-out by actively promoting and managing the collection and not just by removing low circulating titles.

Key Elements of Innovation

In 2015, a multi-pronged approach was taken to move all locations to 50 percent of their print collection checked-out. All locations underwent a collection review which identified high, mid and low circulating areas. A walk-through was conducted by a team of staff with collection expertise. From this, a report was shared with the location's collection team with recommendations on how to improve the collection (e.g. displaying, increasing or decreasing titles and the space allocated, moving areas, weeding). Each month a percent out report is shared with each location showing how their collection is performing. The collection is used, not stored.

Achieved Outcomes

From April 2015 to April 2016, percent checked-out increased by 5 percent to 44 percent out for branches (Main Library was closed from April 2015 to June 2016). Asking staff to focus attention on the collection has increased staff engagement with and investment in the collection. Customers regularly commend branch staff on the selection of titles and browse-ability of the collection.