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HomeSpot: Tackling the Digital Divide

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HomeSpot: Tackling the Digital Divide

Richland Library

Equity and Inclusion | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

While Richland Library was closed due to COVID-19, the Richland Library Friends and Foundation expanded its successful pilot partnership providing 65 hotspots to the local housing authority, funding an additional 400 hotspots for long-term loans throughout Richland County through an innovative partnership with T-Mobile and four major corporations.


COVID-19 continues to expose the disparities that face Richland County residents. The lack of internet and broadband infrastructure creates a digital divide, excluding low-income and rural residents from telework, online learning and tele-health. Over 16% of residents live in poverty and are disproportionately burdened by the education, health and economic realities our state faces. Over 10,300 county residents do not have broadband access, and many more deal with internet speeds comparable to third world countries.

Key Elements of Innovation

A partnership with T-Mobile provided hotspot hardware in-kind ($39,060 value). To purchase 400 one-year, unlimited data plans, the Friends and Foundation funded 200 and partnered with four major corporations to purchase an additional 200. Library staff worked with local government, nonprofits and school districts to identify families in need. Each hotspot included a resource guide featuring activation instructions and over 75 recommended library and community resources curated specifically for pandemic-related needs.

Achieved Outcomes

The HomeSpot initiative provided 465 short and long-term hotspot loans, bridging the digital divide in our community that has only widened during COVID-19. Sixty-five hotspots are on permanent loan to housing authority residents, and the Friends and Foundation funded an additional 200 and partnered with four major corporations to purchase the remaining 200. HomeSpot would not have been possible without the innovative partnerships initiated by the Richland Library Friends and Foundation with our corporate and community partners.