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Hope Outdoor Gallery: A Virtual Reality Experience

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Hope Outdoor Gallery: A Virtual Reality Experience

Austin Public Library, Texas

Education - Children & Adults | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

When a beloved outdoor art park closed, a local tech company captured it via photogrammetry. Austin Public Library’s Central location now houses a virtual reality experience in its Technology Petting Zoo where customers can "walk" through the Hope Gallery via VR goggles and learn about a piece of Austin history through a new lens.


The library’s Technology Petting Zoo contains new and emerging tech tools that visitors can observe, touch or take for a trial run. They are mostly self-contained and do not require dedicated staff. When approached about the Hope Gallery, library IT staff arranged a VR cart that could be rolled out and managed by trained volunteers. Now the team has a regular VR demo day and regularly trains new volunteers, which saves staff resources and provides a meaningful experience for volunteers and demo participants.

Key Elements of Innovation

Bringing this technology to the library for a free, interactive experience has engaged visitors on new levels. The tech company donated equipment and provided training to library staff, who in turn have taught volunteers about virtual reality, photogrammetry and augmented reality. The experience has kept a piece of Austin’s history accessible to those who never saw it in person. The project has helped build relationships with organizations aligned with library priorities, including community engagement and STEM initiatives.

Achieved Outcomes

Since launching in early 2019, several volunteers have been trained to run a VR technology mobile cart which is rolled out one afternoon each week at minimum. Around 300 library customers have viewed the Hope Gallery VR experience since its debut. Positive media coverage includes an in-depth TV story on the local NPR affiliate. The tech company has since brought more VR experiences to our new Kids Block Party, and our library team is planning to capture in-house library experiences via photogrammetry in the near future.