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How-To Festival

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How-To Festival

Louisville Free Public Library, Ky.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

The Library's annual How-To Festival, featuring over 150 “how-to” sessions in 5 hours, is now in its 4th year. Nearly 4,000 attended this free community event last year—learning everything from how to yodel to how to belly dance to how to grow heirloom tomatoes—making it the Library’s single biggest event.


This event features sessions taught by local experts, building community engagement. The Main Library transforms into a giant classroom with sessions held in more than 20 areas throughout the building and surrounding grounds, offering entertainment and practical skills for children and adults. Sessions last from 15 to 45 minutes and cover activities from making great BBQ to performing magic tricks to training your dog. Technology classes include how to use Google Apps, geocaching, and how to save to the cloud. And “How-to” college sessions, aimed at preparing students for the transition from high school to college and helping them succeed when they get there, included how to go to college for free, how to return to college as an adult, and DIY dorm décor.

Key Elements of Innovation

This is a unique educational event, encouraging community members of all ages to learn together. The length and hands-on approach make it perfect for quickly picking up a new talent or learning something new.

Achieved Outcomes

The How-To Festival, which began in 2012, was conceived as an inter-generational learning experience, teaching practical, hands-on skills that could be learned in short sessions. Since the launch of the Festival, two dozen libraries have launched their own festivals based on LFPL’s, from across the United States to Canada to England.