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ICE-TT (Improving the Customer Experience through Technology)

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ICE-TT (Improving the Customer Experience through Technology)

Pierce County Library System

Health & Wellness

Innovation Synopsis


Customers want easy access to library resources. Library materials are available for various technologies. Staff want to provide good customer focused service. Customers were bringing players for audiobooks, e-books, and other devices to PCLS libraries and expecting PCLS staff to help them upload, download and help them use those tools to access library materials. Staff may not be familiar with or comfortable the high-tech devices to provide the basic level of service to get the customer started on their informational journey.

Key Elements of Innovation

PCLS created a task force, ICE-TT, to prepare staff to support customers getting started using these devices. The task force surveyed staff and learned they would feel more at ease if they had access to the physical devices that support PCLS materials. Staff wanted a hands-on experience with the same tools customers were using: the iPads, iPods, and other devices. The task force created a self directed learning kit with directions, videos, and tip sheets aimed at supporting staff as they practiced with various downloadable devices. The kit contains: a laptop, two e-readers ( Barnes & Noble Nook , Sony Reader) two mp3 players (SanDisk Sansa, Creative Zen), and one iPod Touch. The kit also contains a learning kit binder with the self directed curriculum. These devices were chosen to be a sampling of technologies used by our customers and kits were put together so that older devices could be easily replaced as newer technologies surfaced. The goal was to support staff in getting the customer started. Using the staff survey the first step was to create easy-to-use tip sheets for e-readers commonly used by customers that are compatible with library services. PCLS posted the tip sheets on its website and had them available in branches.

Achieved Outcomes

PCLS created four learning kits to circulate in the 17 branches. Also, managers established technical liaisons for each branch. Each kit includes evaluation sheets to help staff provide ongoing feedback to the task force. PCLS is in the first circulation of the kits to branches. To date, staff feedback about the kits has been overwhelmingly positive. Staff indicated their pleasure that they are learning about existing and emerging technologies and are able to better serve their customers. The tip sheets are being used by Barnes and Noble with Nook customers. Upcoming projects for the task force include creating curriculum about mobile devices and apps, as well as increasing the instructional videos for staff and the public.