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Immigrant Civic Engagement

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Immigrant Civic Engagement

Hartford Public Library, Conn.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

The Commission on Refugee and Immigrant Affairs was approved by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford in 2013. CRIA was an intended outgrowth of HPL’s Immigrant Advisory Group and a significant outcome of the FY10 IMLS Leadership Grant designed to promote immigrant civic integration.


The IAG is a library-led vehicle for community agencies to share information, best practices and promote appreciation for the immigrant experience. The IAG had limited capacity for addressing, legitimizing and elevating the myriad action-oriented immigrant issues raised. The library, IAG members and municipal staff innovatively collaborated on the establishment of a city commission (official advocacy platform) as the most meaningful vehicle for immigrants to take action, become civically engaged and have their voices heard.

Key Elements of Innovation

The IAG, established in 2007, remains a library forum for inter-agency information/resource exchange while issues identified as requiring action are directed to CRIA. The library provides ongoing technical support to the commission including convening and programming space, research assistance on issues identified for action; and, increasing awareness of CRIA to potential members visiting the Library. CRIA is the city’s most diverse commission composed of both immigrants and native-borns advocating together for shared civic values.

Achieved Outcomes

CRIA has elevated the need for several items that the City has acted upon, including the development of a City resource guide for immigrants (irrespective of status) and more recently the implementation of a Municipal ID card; and, HPL has collaborated with the city in accepting these applications. Other items pushed forward by CRIA include opening municipal elections to immigrants and authorizing immigrant representation on the school board. Today, CRIA is Hartford’s most active commission.