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IMPACT PLS: Individuals Empowered to Action

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IMPACT PLS: Individuals Empowered to Action

Pioneer Library System, Okla.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

With a commitment to excellence throughout Pioneer Library System, IMPACT PLS was created to inspire a network of internal leaders to build collaboration and shape our future. It is not a program only for supervisors or those with that aspiration. IMPACT fosters leadership from all levels within the organization.


A large organization like PLS with 11-branch libraries in three counties can easily succumb to the silo effect, particularly with divergent needs among large urban branches, small rural libraries and relationships with administration and governing trustees. Our goal was to identify and sharpen leadership techniques in staff at all levels of the organization, connect people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives with a common interest in PLS and encourage staff to develop a network of peers. IMPACT teaches organic leadership, for individuals to bloom wherever they are planted within the organization, gain perspective outside of their own piece of the PLS arena and understand the organization from the ground up. Each member of the planning committee is responsible for planning and executing a monthly session of the group which keeps their own skills sharp. External speakers and educators are invited to teach IMPACT sessions at locations outside the libraries to further reduce the walls of the individual library branch or administrative office. By exposing IMPACT PLS class members to the internal mechanism of the library system as a whole the gain is to eliminate the “us versus them” thinking that can come from a top down organization. By learning about the many moving parts of the library system graduates can lead in their own branches and departments.

Key Elements of Innovation

An internal committee of 10 administrative staff was appointed to create the program from scratch. Each member contributed best practices from their own experience in leadership classes and development trainings. Criteria for applicants were created and the process for application was opened in August 2011. Each IMPACT PLS class has six members representing departments and branches system-wide. They are assigned a partner from the class and a mentor from the committee. A total of 10 mandatory, four-hour monthly group sessions cover topics including: • A personality profile • Project Management • Advocacy (working with your city) • Emotional Intelligence • The Leadership Challenge • Effective Communication • Leading Change and Adaptable Leadership • Managing Up Managing Down • Ethics Graduation is contingent on attendance and completion of assigned tasks throughout. There are reading and accompanying book discussions. Participants also commit to an additional four hours per month to spend with their partner on identified activities to increase their knowledge of PLS. These activities may include visits to: • A small branch • A large branch • Administration (director, HR, business, technology, public information, training, literacy, virtual library, development and foundation, service center) • PLS Trustees meeting • PLS Foundation board meeting • Advisory board meeting • City council or county commissioner meetings • Attendance at a professional conference There is a group project in which class members work together to solve a problem, create a proposal, and design and execute a communication. To provide continuity for the program, three-year rotation cycles were developed. Two members join the IMPACT PLS planning committee and the two longest-serving members roll off. This keeps the ideas and concepts fresh.

Achieved Outcomes

We have had 18 employees graduate from IMPACT PLS since its inception in September 2011. Several class members have used their knowledge to better themselves through advancing in the system, or have helped their departments understand the bigger picture of working in PLS. Their testimonials at the end of the program speak for themselves. “I think IMPACT PLS has opened a pathway for staff to communicate with me and ask questions that they may not have otherwise felt comfortable asking, and vice versa,” said one class member. A children’s and teen librarian from a large branch said of being in IMPACT PLS, “The process has been challenging, balancing meetings and class work with a busy schedule in my branch, but has been most rewarding. The IMPACT opportunity allowed me to visit virtually every department PLS. Through these interviews I have come to realize the Pioneer family is made up of talented, intelligent and caring people. And, I have come to know and have formed a strong bond with the IMPACT participants. They have become an invaluable resource for me.” Following graduation in the spring the committee retools for the upcoming class using feedback and makes changes to the structure and class topics if necessary. In 2013 we opened the class to students at the University of Oklahoma School of Library and Information Services to offer real-life experience to students in the program for which they earn 3 credit hours.