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Inclusion Assessment for People with Disabilities

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Inclusion Assessment for People with Disabilities

Arlington Heights Memorial Library, Ill.

Equity and Inclusion

Innovation Synopsis

The Arlington Heights Memorial Library identified the need to conduct a detailed assessment of the library’s facilities, policies, services and programs to evaluate and reinforce our fundamental commitment to equal access for everyone and our belief in the importance of diversity and inclusion.


According to the 2015 American Community Survey, approximately 9 percent, 6,500, of the residents in our community have a disability and data indicates those numbers will continue to increase. As the library serves all community members, we want to provide services and resources that promote inclusion through human centered design and enhanced accessibility. To meet this goal, AHML has updated its vision and priority statements and made a commitment to develop a culture of continuous improvement.

Key Elements of Innovation

Internally, there is collaboration across all departments, with an interdepartmental assessment team and a targeted process of collecting feedback from all employees. Monthly, leadership disseminates the collected information so that opportune improvements can be implemented or researched. Externally, we have shared our commitment to improving inclusion in library newsletters, encouraging customers to provide their ideas and suggestions. The assessment team plans to use surveys and focus groups to hear and respond to community needs.

Achieved Outcomes

The anticipated outcome is an inclusive, forward-thinking environment where staff can serve all customers in a well-designed, flexible and engaged manner, anticipating opportunities for improvement and responding in a thoughtful and timely manner. We anticipate increased programming and services for customers with disabilities, their caregivers and the community, in a respectful atmosphere where everyone can feel that their experiences are recognized and valued in our library and our community.