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Inquiry & Impact Team

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Inquiry & Impact Team

Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library, Ind.

Library Operations & Management | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

Grounded in Community of Inquiry theory and a community capital approach, Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library's Inquiry & Impact Team critiques the construct of the public library, builds infrastructure to support inquiry, reflection and iteration, rigorous outcomes-based practices and bridges theory and practice gaps across identified areas of community concern.


Evansville was identified as a Federal Promise Zone indicating it as both under-resourced and rich in collaborative networks. It is also the site for the new IU/UE/USI multi-institutional health sciences and research center. There are many potentials for EVPL amidst the changing environment. To maximize these potentials, an internal and external shift in understanding about public library work is required, along with infrastructure to support emerging work. I & I drives this work.

Key Elements of Innovation

I & I practices are theoretically grounded and asset based. Community of Inquiry, along with other theoretical frames, and formalized methodologies guide the work. The team is iterative and evolving; comprised of the Inquiry & Impact Officer (Ph.D.), Social Impact Research Manager, Civic Data Scientist, Project Management Strategist and Librarians of Practices (LoPs). LoPs are an emerging community of practice that co-inform theory and practice in their individual and organizational work.

Achieved Outcomes

  1. Designing and implementing the Library Assessment to Impact Strategy (LATIS)
  2. Creating The Labs@EVPL, a dedicated community inquiry lab that serves as an intellectual, digital and physical hub for community-based civic work
  3. “A Year of Hip Hop” (#AYoHH18), an exploratory arts-based community learning inquiry
  4. The first public library-based Civic Data Scientist, who by working with the community created a Civic Data Science Model and Toolkit