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Intercept: Open Source Customer Engagement Tool

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Intercept: Open Source Customer Engagement Tool

Richland Library, S.C.

Advocacy & Awareness | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

Intercept serves as an all-in-one open source calendaring and event management tool for libraries, encompassing room and equipment reservations, program creation and display, data collection and customer engagement. Intercept uses data from a customer’s program attendance and makes recommendations to them in their account.


Libraries’ inability to capture reliable data and outcomes beyond door count, circulation, program attendance and computer use have long frustrated staff and stakeholders. We’ve seen growth in program attendance but no way to collect or analyze the outcomes. With a grant from the Knight Foundation, Richland Library set out to solve this problem and build loyal and engaged customers by gathering outputs and outcomes from program attendance as a feature of the ILS, integrating the library experience.

Key Elements of Innovation

Intercept levels up the user experience. Customers scan library cards at programs, enabling Intercept to make recommendations to them based on program attendance and preferences. Customers give feedback on programs attended and find new programs in which they’ll be interested. Staff use Intercept to enter and display programs on the website. Participation is completely voluntary, and data collected is as secure as all other existing patron data. Intercept also includes a module for equipment and room reservations.

Achieved Outcomes

Librarians know who’s coming to programs and what they thought. Libraries have an open source calendaring and event management software to customize as their own — built by libraries, for libraries. Customers are engaged and find "more of what they love," ensuring the fastest-growing segment of library services continues to evolve and improve based on customer feedback and data. Staff have consolidated reporting tools for room reservation, program attendance and program feedback.