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Inventory in the Time of Pandemic

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Inventory in the Time of Pandemic

Fairfax County Public Library, Va.

Health & Wellness | 2020

Innovation Synopsis

By applying agile methods, staff across Fairfax County Public Library's 23 locations executed a full inventory of a 2 million-item floating collection in three weeks, during a time of fluid staffing due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Preparing for curbside service, we noted that circumstances allowed FCPL to inventory our 2 million-volume collection in days or weeks instead of months. The challenge was to create a workflow that could:

  • Utilize existing mobile devices and Bluetooth scanners.
  • Run concurrently across 23 locations.
  • Complete within a three-week window — while on-premises staffing levels were staggered.
  • Be validated by Collection Services to ensure no significant areas of the collection were missed.

Key Elements of Innovation

We applied agile methodology:

  • Establishing a dedicated Microsoft TEAMs channel for:
    • Questions to project leads.
    • Resolving impediments as they arose.
    • Communicating branch innovations that improved efficiencies.
    • Sharing equipment not in active use.
  • Utilizing Wi-Fi and tablets with Bluetooth scanners or laptops for scanning on-shelf items.
  • Creating staff-run reports to highlight collection areas not yet completed.

Staff adaptability allowed us to exploit the limited window of opportunity.

Achieved Outcomes

The library successfully completed a full inventory of its 2 million-volume collection in three weeks, the first full inventory in anyone’s recollection. About 30,000 item records were removed from the ILS and staff reported a large drop in items being marked as missing. Additionally, the library has a very solid baseline for its upcoming collection diversity audit. As important, library staff participated in a system-wide agile-based project and are enthusiastic about this approach for other projects.