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Java with a Journalist

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Java with a Journalist

Kansas City Public Library, Mo.

Advocacy & Awareness | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

The Kansas City Public Library, through a partnership with The Kansas City Star, invited library patrons and Kansas City-area residents to sit down and discuss the issues impacting their neighborhoods with local journalists.


In a time where trust is dwindling every day, Kansas City-area residents are often looking for a way to make their voices heard and hold local leaders accountable. Java with a Journalist was the library and The Kansas City Star’s response to create a space where journalists were more accessible, and reporters were able to find resources for local investigations and stories.

Key Elements of Innovation

The library brought journalists and community leaders together, offering residents an opportunity to engage with local journalists to address their public concerns. Reporters were able to sit down outside their daily deadlines, talk with sources and develop relationships with people in the community who have legitimate issues and stories to tell. Java with a Journalist provided a forum for both reporters and residents to sit down and have in-depth conversations that don’t happen every day.

Achieved Outcomes

The Kansas City Star picked up several contacts that have led to new stories. Using some of the concerns expressed by those in attendance, the paper’s editorial board developed several questions for their Kansas City mayoral debates. Those from the community who attended felt heard, can be credited with holding local leadership accountable and walked away with a greater understanding of how journalism and change happens every day in their community.