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Job Seeker's Workshop

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Job Seeker's Workshop

The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County

Workforce and Economic Development

Innovation Synopsis


The economic recession catapulted many individuals into the arena of unemployment without sufficient knowledge or skills of how to pull themselves out. Staff from The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County had been un-officially assisting customers with their job search (applying on-line, creating an email etc.) and recognized a greater need to assist our customers more formally, with information and opportunities to help dislocated or under-employed workers with job search skills that meet the needs of the community.

Key Elements of Innovation

The Library drew upon the skills and expertise of various departments to create a two-day job seeker’s workshop. The workshop was presented in partnership with staff from the Career Resource Center at the Main Library, staff from the Main Library’s TechCenter, The Library’s Human Resources Department as well as several community partners – North Minister Presbyterian Church, The Bridge to Work Transitional Center and the Return to Work Resource Center at Scarlet Oaks.

The workshops were held on August 5 and 6, 2009. On the first day, the following topics were covered:

  • How to Apply For Jobs Online
  • Moving on From Job Loss
  • Resume Writing
  • Networking For Jobseekers
  • Research the Company and Win the Job
  • Interview Tips and Techniques

On the second day, HR staff members conducted mock interviews and gave constructive criticism to the participants to help them improve their interview skills. A member of the staff from the Public Relations Department was also on hand to record the interviews, which could then be emailed to the participants.

Achieved Outcomes

The workshops were very well attended. On the first day, between 24 and 30 people attended each workshop. On the second day, 17 people participated in mock interviews.