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Kansas City Public Library/KC Star FYI Book Club

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Kansas City Public Library/KC Star FYI Book Club

Kansas City Public Library, Mo.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

FYI Book Club is a special event book club for books of the moment, particularly those with ties or issues related to Kansas City. There’s no regular membership, meeting date or location. Readers across the metro area meet in venues connected with the books, fostering conversation about local issues.


Kaite_Stover_08-22-16-FYI_YourSongChangedMyLife_025.JPGThe FYI Book Club connects Kansas City’s many services, agencies, organizations and institutions with reading. Participants across the metro area gather at venues that have connections with the books, joined by local experts on matters addressed in the books. Authors often participate via Skype. The result is a conversation with a local and personal flavor that raises awareness of issues and challenges facing Kansas City.

Key Elements of Innovation

Kaite_Stover_01-10-17-FYIBookGroup_RevengeAnalog_066.JPGFYI Book Club’s use of innovative settings (a mortuary, a police station, city water department offices, a radio station, a lingerie shop) helps readers understand how the reading matter is tied to where they live. By partnering with experts at these venues, conversation about the books is enhanced and participants become more informed community members.

Achieved Outcomes

Kaite_Stover_10-03-15-FYIBookGroup_AiliceAIW_040.JPGThe FYI Book Club has drawn a diverse range of readers from across the Kansas City metro area to discuss issues such as public safety, policing procedures, water quality, racial cleansing and reparations, capital punishment, gay marriage, technology’s influence on analog items, sports injuries, musicianship and art forgeries. The library is fostering civic dialogue on difficult topics, using books and relevant locations to stimulate and deepen conversation.