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KCLS eBook Flash Promotion

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KCLS eBook Flash Promotion

King County Library System, Wash.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

The rapid rise of digital devices has created dramatic demand for eBooks and audio books, and defined a new target market for expanding awareness of library resources: online and mobile readers. In a device-saturated region, KCLS tried a flash-marketing approach to promote its extensive digital book collection.


KCLS operates 48 community libraries in an area with a high number of technologically sophisticated residents who rely heavily on digital devices in their daily lives. What better opportunity to reach new audiences by showing up where they already are? Sparked by unexpected funding from the KCLS Foundation, KCLS created a brief, intensive online marketing campaign to promote its extensive eBook and audiobook collection to reach tech-savvy new patrons. For six weeks, targeted ads and promotional spots appeared on Facebook, the University of Washington’s cable TV channel, online editions of the Reporter community news outlets, and regional transit display ads.

Key Elements of Innovation

Earlier KCLS studies identified media-adept young adults as a key under-represented demographic group for library services. The short time period between receiving funding from the Foundation and implementing the campaign caused staff to act quickly to develop online and transit ad campaigns to raise awareness of KCLS’ digital collection among this target demographic. With minimal preparation time, KCLS’ Graphics department prepared and delivered copy to media outlets most likely to reach the target audience.

Achieved Outcomes

The promotion took advantage of digital production, delivery and demographic targeting tools in selected media. Advertisements on KCLS’ Facebook page ran October 17-18 and November 1-15, reached more than half a million viewers, and garnered nearly 3,000 “likes”, 112 “shares” and 125 “comments.” For OverDrive’s number one eBook circulating public library in the United States (1.3 million circulated in 2012), the KCLS eBook Flash Promotion increased eBook circulation another 9% during the time period, an impressive boost.