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KCLS Symphony: Library Stories

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KCLS Symphony: Library Stories

King County Library System, Wash.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

To raise awareness of the value of libraries, KCLS recorded people telling stories about how libraries impacted their lives. Rooted firmly in the belief that patrons are the best advocates, Library Stories are unscripted, mini-documentaries conveying the essence of libraries, putting a very human face on an otherwise abstract concept.


Those associated with KCLS - staff, Friends, volunteers, and KCLS Foundation members - are frequently asked to tell the KCLS story to diverse audiences ranging from service club organizations to major donors. While certainly up to the task, it can be challenging to concisely describe the wide range of services KCLS offers in a way that engages and motivates the audience. Armed with Library Stories, even first-time presenters can speak eloquently about why libraries matter and provide insights that are reinforced by high-quality video testimonials. In three brief minutes, audiences see, hear, and experience how libraries shape and enrich people’s lives. To date, four Library Stories have been produced: Teri and Robin; Dexter; Arek and Christina; and Aleesha, a young woman whose difficult life growing up was greatly impacted by librarians (“her heroes”). KCLS continues to encourage people of all ages to tell their stories.

Key Elements of Innovation

The idea was simple: have patrons tell KCLS how they use the library and what it means to them. Library staff and community partners helped identify subjects who volunteered to tell their stories. KCLS’ film crew selected filming locations and prepared for each shoot. While the videography is sophisticated, the short films captured the deeply personal aspect of each subject’s story. The result is a series of patrons who, speaking from the heart, tell why they value libraries in their daily lives and their communities. By sharing their passion for libraries, they invite the entire community to turn to the library for information, inspiration, community development, and personal growth.

Achieved Outcomes

Designed as a way to share testimonials for community libraries from patrons’ unique perspectives, KCLS Symphony: Library Stories aims to convey the essence of libraries in personal terms. Accessible on and YouTube, the three-minute videos present personal, engaging, and memorable visits with neighbors across a broad range of communities through behind-the-scenes glimpses into their lives. Response to the initial collection of stories, from staff and the public, has been overwhelmingly positive. The story of Aleesha was shown to an audience of 600 at the KCLS Foundation’s 2014 Literary Lions Gala and donations for the evening exceeded fundraising goals by a substantial margin. KCLS’ Social Media team and Public Relations staff also promote the videos through posts, links, and other partnerships. Entered in the WorldFest 2014 Houston International Film and Video Festival by the videographer, two KCLS Symphony Library Stories received Gold and Bronze Remi Awards.