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KDL Cruisers Circulating Bikes

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KDL Cruisers Circulating Bikes

Kent District Library, Mich.

Innovation Synopsis

Kent District Library began circulating library bikes to patrons in May 2016 at 16 locations. Patrons can check out up to three bikes for a day if they are over 18 years old with a library card in good standing. Each cruiser-style bike comes with a book basket and lock.


Our library acts as an equalizer in our community, so we wanted to offer bikes for people who can't afford to purchase their own. Our branches are located near a network of biking trails throughout our county, so our libraries not only promote healthy minds with reading but healthy lifestyles with circulating bikes. Many people are being introduced to this publicly funded trail system for the first time. The biking culture in our area is growing and offering bikes allows them be part of this community and experience this lifestyle.

Key Elements of Innovation

We originally considered offering library service from a "book bike" but our branches are too far apart and those bikes are heavy to pedal, so we thought harder on what would make sense for our communities. A local bike company approached us with this idea. They were surprised we jumped on board so quickly but we were ready to offer something different to our communities. We are getting a lot of attention from local media on our KDL Cruisers. New people are interested in the library. Patrons love having this opportunity and brag about their library to visitors.

Achieved Outcomes

We wanted to offer something fun and unexpected that would fit our communities. Partnering with a local bike company, promoting bike safety and increasing the awareness of the Kent County Trail System are a few of the outcomes. Watching how our patrons use the KDL Cruisers has been exciting for staff. Program uses range from bike dates where one of the couple doesn't own a bike, to out-of-town guests going for bike rides with local patrons or local business employees taking them out on lunch breaks. Our staff ride them in local summer parades to increase the library's awareness, hearing many positive comments.