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“KDL Way”: Providing Relationship-Focused Service

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“KDL Way”: Providing Relationship-Focused Service

Kent District Library, Mich.

Innovation Synopsis

At KDL we’ve embarked on a journey to go beyond giving “good” customer service and have begun providing "Relationship-Focused Service" with an emphasis on kindness, empathy and love. In providing "Relationship-Focused Service" we create real connections through attention and a heartfelt commitment to serve with no expectation in return.


In a world that is becoming increasingly digital there is a perception that libraries are becoming obsolete. At the same time, the move toward the digital world detracts from people’s sense of connection and community. "Relationship-Focused Service" allows our team to create the genuine connections needed to truly serve people. These connections help to further people as they reach for their goals and aspirations, strengthen our communities and build loyalty to the library.

Key Elements of Innovation

  • Empowering staff to build relationships with patrons through kindness, empathy and love - to empower staff we have created simple procedures that define expectations and make it possible for our staff to demonstrate "Relationship-Focused Service" on a consistent basis.
  • Removing barriers that prevent our staff from creating real connections - to remove barriers we are reevaluating core components of our organization: our staffing model, space design and service priorities.

Achieved Outcomes

*We are improving lives - "Relationship-Focused Service" creates authentic interactions that enhance quality of life by building social connections and making people feel truly important. *We are creating personal connections that build loyalty to the library – when people are emotionally connected to an organization they passionately support it. *We are building a better place to work - "Relationship-Focused Service" includes building internal connections that create a healthier organizational culture with more meaningful employment.