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KPI’s for Staff Freedom and Performance

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KPI’s for Staff Freedom and Performance

Chesterfield County Public Library

Library Operations & Management | 2021 | Honorable Mention

Innovation Synopsis

CCPL used internal resources to build a performance dashboarding system delivering timely and accurate branch data & analysis, helping to rebuild circ metrics to 75%+ of pre-pandemic metrics. This system replaces a common but outdated performance assessment system which stymied objective and iterative progress towards individual or system goals.


Performance has historically been difficult to assess in a timely & consistent way. System performance relied heavily on siloed external data reporting, with little analysis or communication, while employee performance was narrative-focused, with emphasis on values and skills. As a result, it was difficult to link individual to system performance, and drive activities towards established strategic goals. Innovation and initiative were mired in bureaucratic channels, and staff struggled to know how to meet expectations.

Key Elements of Innovation

CCPL used in-house resources to build a KPI reporting suite, measuring & communicating branch performance expectations around circulation, door count, and NPS (Net Promoter Score). The reporting suite shows these measures in a rich and dynamic way, giving managers the tools to understand insights, trends, and possible drivers. Our analytics team is on-call to track specific initiatives more closely. This approach represents a radical shift, empowering staff to freely experiment and iterate within our values.

Achieved Outcomes

With staff & system performance aligned, staff have been freed to innovate and experiment with new approaches, without having to develop lengthy proposals for approval. As the definition of success is positive KPI measure improvement, staff are rewarded for innovative initiatives, even those that fail, leading to a more energized culture. Managers have increased their understanding of their business and the skills required to manage it, leading to more rapid improvements in post-pandemic metrics and service delivery.