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Learning from the White House Press Pool

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Learning from the White House Press Pool

Palm Beach County Library System, Fla.

Advocacy & Awareness | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

In early 2017, a White House staffer contacted the Main Library (located across the street from one of the President’s golf courses) to request use of a meeting room for the White House Press Pool during presidential visits. What transpired were two opportunities to connect high school students with the Press Pool to learn more about journalism.


How many times during a librarian’s career does s/he get the opportunity to host the White House Press Pool? In 2017-2018, library staff coordinated with the White House Correspondents’ Association and Office of the President to bring high school journalism students and teachers to the table with the Press Pool. What ensued was a unique experience for 25 local school representatives to ask reporters from around the globe about the state of journalism and for reporters to ask students how they view the media landscape.

Key Elements of Innovation

This unique opportunity was viable due to the close proximity of the President’s golf course. The Office of the President, White House Correspondents’ Association and individual reporters expressed interest in meeting students during their hours-long visits to the Main Library. Though these experiences were at times difficult to coordinate, the library proved to be a fitting location to explore the current state and future of the U.S. free press.

Achieved Outcomes

Though some sessions never came to fruition due to breaking news and the security around the President’s schedule, two sessions were coordinated, which attracted a total of 25 students and teachers, and lead to the publication of the event in at least one school newspaper. As the final in-season (Fall/Winter) of the President’s term approaches, the Main Library will expand this endeavor to include more students, local press in addition to the Press Pool, and local and national campaigns leading up to the 2020 election.