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Learning Pathways for Software Certification

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Learning Pathways for Software Certification

King County Library System, Wash.

Workforce and Economic Development | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

The Learning Pathways for Software Certification program at King County Library System brings free training and certification testing to patrons. Participating patrons gain confidence in job-critical skills as well as industry-recognized certification to improve their employability and promotion opportunities.


The need for software and technology skills permeates the job market and general participation in society. Verifiable competency in these skills is critical to improving employability and active engagement in society. Our team sees the library as a springboard to individual opportunity and economic empowerment! By removing financial barriers, patrons attain practical skills in Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative software, and/or introductory coding skills, and may pursue free certification to validate their skills to employers.

Key Elements of Innovation

Washington State Library partnership provided initial framework and inventory for Microsoft certifications on which KCLS builds broader certification opportunities for patrons. Harnessing existing library services, resources and partners — such as Tech Tutor program,, Adobe software on public PCs, Goodwill, WorkSource and community colleges — this program has produced a dynamic learning ecosystem. Other key elements include definition of operational model, utilizing community volunteers, surveying post-attendance participants and procurement of hardware and software for program delivery.

Achieved Outcomes

The Learning Pathways for Software Certification program posits "educational empowerment" of patrons as an outcome and means for achieving positive workforce and economic development. By fostering self-directed, autonomous learning skills — critical "soft-skills" that contribute to workplace success — in addition to practical software and technology skills, the library impacts patrons in tangible ways. In 2017, 80 percent of surveyed patrons believe successful completion of a certification will improve their resume and employability.