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Let's Talk!

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Let's Talk!

Lexington Public Library, Ky.

Library Operations & Management | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

We addressed concerns of vertical communication by implementing director meetings with location staff three times per year. Two of the meetings have pre-determined topics and one is free-form. We also created an online form for anonymous submission of questions, concerns and suggestions. I answer these submissions weekly.


Communication in any organization is a continuous challenge, particularly one comprised of multiple locations. Frontline staff can often feel isolated or feel that their senior leadership doesn’t understand their daily reality or value their input. Based on a staff survey from a few years ago, we knew we had to work harder at not only sharing information, but soliciting input and ideas. Over the last three years, we have built a two-pronged approach to staff engagement.

Key Elements of Innovation

In 2015, I began staff meetings at each library location three times per year. In May, I discuss our budget for the coming fiscal year. In October, we review progress toward our strategic plan goals. In January, I address whatever questions or concerns staff have. This year we added “Ask Ann,” an online form that allows staff to send in questions, concerns and ideas. I reply via weekly all-staff email, so it is transparent to all.

Achieved Outcomes

Meeting with staff in their locations provides an opportunity for us to get to know each other better. With time, they have become more relaxed, trusting and participatory in our encounters. Adding the anonymous online form provided an avenue for spontaneous input, particularly for those who may be reticent to speak up in a group. Since last September, we have received 25 submissions, including seven staff suggestions that we have since implemented.