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Let’s Talk Teaching on the Playground

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Let’s Talk Teaching on the Playground

Baltimore County Public Library, Md.

Education - Children & Adults | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

Baltimore County Public Library partnered with The Clinton Foundation as the first public library to install Talking is Teaching panels on the playground adjacent to a branch located in a low-income community. President Clinton attended the unveiling of the panels which equip caregivers with images and prompts to talk to children, building vocabulary.


Talking is Teaching aims to close the word gap among high- vs. low-income families. Factors that explain the gap include parenting styles and home learning environments. The branch selected is located in a community where 42 percent of households have annual income less than $35,000. A child’s ability to acquire vocabulary correlates with conversation from caregivers. The panels encourage caregivers to talk to children, whose brains develop approximately 80 percent by the age of three.

Key Elements of Innovation

Partnership with The Clinton Foundation provided guidance on the playground panels, which were funded by the Library Foundation. The panels, installed with Recreation and Parks permission and community buy-in, feature images that turn playtime into opportunities to boost early language and brain development. Signage carries into the branch for consistent messaging and learning. As the first public library to feature the panels, a visit with President Clinton was coordinated for the unveiling.

Achieved Outcomes

Our strategic plan includes cultivating a connected, inclusive and thriving community as well as a learning community. This often means creating partnerships to impact quality of life and provide equity in opportunities. The panels are a positive and effective resource and the partnership with the Clinton Foundation provided media visibility, recognition and additional funding to expand the project to a playground adjacent to another branch.