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Library Everywhere

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Library Everywhere

Cedar Rapids Public Library, Iowa

Equity and Inclusion

Innovation Synopsis

The Cedar Rapids Public Library sought to address technology inequity by placing library computers in locations within the community where patrons currently do not have access and to increase access for people in local homeless shelters. The computers function the same way outside of the library as they do inside.


Research told us that we have immigrant populations and low-income areas in our community in which the residents never leave the neighborhood to access services. One must have a library card to use a library computer and policy requires patrons to have a photo ID and proof of address to get a library card. By taking library resources to shelters and community centers, we make library service possible for those who desperately need it.

Key Elements of Innovation

Kids from the immigrant and low income neighborhoods can walk to the recreation center, get a library card and then log in to a library computer. Clients of the local homeless shelter can be issued a library card at the shelter and log into computers we have installed onsite. The shelter is accepted as proof of address for the duration of their stay and can be renewed once the patron has new proof of address.

Achieved Outcomes

This program allows those with limited access to our physical building the opportunity to access the internet and library resources from an external location. We are reaching a new demographic of patrons and building relationships that will turn into additional usage and improved quality of life for our most vulnerable citizens. Additionally, we are creating new partnerships with community organizations which will result in new ideas and opportunities for collaboration.