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Library Insiders Program

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Library Insiders Program

Loudoun County Public Library, Va.

Equity and Inclusion

Innovation Synopsis

Loudoun County Public Library’s Library Insiders Program serves persons with developmental, cognitive and memory disabilities. By coordinating with groups that serve this community of users, we enhance our impact and increase customers’ social interaction. While the adaptive, focused programming is engaging and meaningful, the greatest value is creating person-to-person connections.


Persons with developmental and cognitive disabilities may be left out of traditional library services and programming due to challenges with reading skills and the need to create activities that are both development appropriate and engaging to these users. LCPL developed Open Door Storytime as one means to reach these users, but that concept was poorly attended in the less densely populated western portion of Loudoun County.

Key Elements of Innovation

We have developed, implemented and refined the Library Insiders program to meet the particular needs of our customers with developmental and cognitive disabilities in the transitional and rural parts of our county. Library Insiders’ one-hour programs include elements of storytime, crafts programs, movement, music and related enrichment activities — all adapted for our customers. Development of these events began in partnership with the Loudoun County Department of Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Developmental Services (MHSADS) and were presented to residents of their Group Homes. Cross-training and inclusion of volunteers in preparation and presentation of the events enhanced the offering.

Achieved Outcomes

Our initial partners at MHSADS found ongoing participation challenging; however, we found that word of the program’s early success had spread in the western Loudoun caregiving community. When one local high school asked for a monthly Insiders series for their special needs group, we began a partnership that now includes two high schools and an elementary school. We also have adapted the Insiders model to serve a senior center-based group of persons with Alzheimer’s and related memory disorders. What began as a small initiative has grown into an ongoing, onsite/offsite outreach program that serves over 300 customers each year.