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“Library of the Future”: Cooperative Innovation

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“Library of the Future”: Cooperative Innovation

Montgomery County Public Libraries, Md.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis


Montgomery County, MD, is a “Majority Minority” county with a population projected to increase in both size and diversity. The challenge facing MCPL is reaching-out to the community and gathering feedback for system-wide library implementation. In order to encourage residents’ participation in the Summit, MCPL organized convenient, accessible and effective outreach events and forums throughout the County. Technology use was maximized by making virtual communication available 24/7 from any location, fostering dialogue in real-time. Comments and suggestions could be sent using a special hashtag via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Key Elements of Innovation

MCPL partnered with numerous organizations and agencies to reach as many residents as possible, as well as to highlight technological expertise. Multiple venues – virtual as well as in-person – offered convenience and encouraged participation. A special event was held in September in which the County Executive, as well as other County, MCPL and community leaders, could interact with residents. The event was simultaneously broadcast in two different locations using the communication platform “Google Hangout,” giving Summit participants the ability to present, ask questions and interact with residents. This event was the first of its kind conducted in the County.

Achieved Outcomes

The Summit offered many occasions for residents to provide their opinion about the current status of the library system and to express their vision about the system’s future. The Summit also offered MCPL the opportunity to obtain information about community needs. Questions were posted on the MCPL website and distributed at outreach events; they could be answered in-person at events, at branches and online. Due to the wide range of options and platforms, MCPL was able to obtain feedback from a great diversity of residents.