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Literate, Connected, Delighted: Podcasting @ MCPL

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Literate, Connected, Delighted: Podcasting @ MCPL

Montgomery County Public Libraries, Md.

Advocacy & Awareness | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

MCPL’s “Library Matters” podcast explores books, libraries, technology and learning. Its format addresses community demand for adaptable technology; it reaches additional audiences otherwise unaware, via traditional channels, of available library resources. Moreover, the podcast provides a “personal window” into library services as staff discuss topics for which they are passionate.


MCPL addresses several opportunities by developing the podcast. The first opportunity is fulfilling a public interest in a community resource adopting new technologies into its scope of service. The second is influencing a segment of the population unfamiliar with the range of library services; social media implementation informally encourages this group to become ad-hoc “ambassadors” of library outreach. The last opportunity is supporting MCPL’s goal to develop and to strengthen digital literacy in the community.

Key Elements of Innovation

The first podcast episode aired early 2017 with new recordings available every other week; later that year, MCPL initiated library service “ads.” The podcast is available for streaming or download from MCPL’s website and popular podcast apps. Podcast production accords professional, technological and project management development opportunities to staff and episode participants.

Achieved Outcomes

The impact of the podcasts is two-fold. First, staff gain technical and public relations/“personality” skills pertaining to radio production and technique for acquiring and maintaining audience interest. Second, community awareness of the podcast is growing: an average of 14.5 downloads per day in November 2017 increased to nearly 20 downloads per day in February 2018. Although the podcast is available nationally, MCPL targets the local audience with nearly 64% of downloads occurring in Maryland.