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Little Library at the Adult Detention Center

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Little Library at the Adult Detention Center

Fairfax County Public Library, Va.

Equity and Inclusion | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

The Fairfax County Public Library partnered with the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office to stock a handmade little library for children and teens visiting loved ones at Fairfax’s Adult Detention Center. To date FCPL has provided 12 boxes of books for the little library.


According to a Pew Research Center report, people of color continue to be overrepresented in U.S. prisons. Visiting incarcerated loved ones can be stressful for kids. Second Lieutenant Emily Fary built a little library for the waiting area of the ADC. Many kids read the books and return them immediately; they are welcome to keep the books if they wish, which gets books into the hands of potentially vulnerable populations.

Key Elements of Innovation

The library’s secure location necessitated that the library lock and only be available during weekend visiting hours. Lieutenant Fary built and installed the little library to suit the unique requirements of the ADC, but made it enticing and accessible to encourage use.

Achieved Outcomes

On launch day alone, 11 books went home with kids. Deputies reported that the little library was “a huge hit,” and that the smile of a girl who discovered that she could take her book home was the best part of that work day. We expect that the little library will continue to make stressful visits easier for kids and teens and provide books to those who may be most in need of them.