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Living the Library Life: Employee Experience Hours

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Living the Library Life: Employee Experience Hours

Pioneer Library System

Library Operations & Management | 2023

Innovation Synopsis

A staff-led team developed a new, board-approved policy to aid PLS employees in engaging in the customer experience. All employees can now take up to eight hours of "experience leave" per calendar year to attend and enjoy PLS events or programs as a customer.


PLS employees are also library customers, but many work during hours when library programs take place. In line with PLS’s strategic plan of creating an inclusive customer experience, library leadership formed a cross-functional committee of staff to develop the roll-out of granting staff leave to attend library events as a customer.

Key Elements of Innovation

Employees are encouraged to take up to 8 hours per year to engage in library programs as a customer. This leave is not deducted from any other forms of employee leave, allowing staff time to interact with the library solely as a customer beyond checking out fine-free materials. Staff build programs to meet community needs — and staff are a part of the community! Those utilizing this leave become fully immersed: no obligations to put up chairs or check customers in - simply experience and enjoy!

Achieved Outcomes

Employees can take advantage of all library events, including sensory story time, cooking healthy meals as a family or attending financial literacy date night without having to flex schedules or use personal leave. Adding this benefit is now a unique recruitment tool and helps enhance employee wellness. One staff shared, “It took the pressure off to just enjoy a fun activity like yoga. I was free to go be in the moment, get centered and then return to work afterwards feeling refreshed and ready to tackle my day!”