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Making a Diverse Maker Community in Chicago

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Making a Diverse Maker Community in Chicago

Chicago Public Library, Ill.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis


The maker ecosystem in Chicago is spread out and relatively new. When CPL entered the scene with the intention of serving as an on-ramp to making, STEM learning and advanced manufacturing, we recognized an opportunity to link these disparate organizations, businesses and educational institutions to benefit our community. In addition to creating referral networks by sharing information through programs and field trips, CPL and the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) created a Chicagoland Maker Summit. The Summit unifies makerspace leaders from libraries, museums, schools, businesses and communities into a cohesive community of practice. Three Summits held to date have allowed us to build strategic and practical collaboration among these diverse groups and launch a website that serves as a resource to the public.

Key Elements of Innovation

We began by networking with local makers to learn about their offerings in order to better inform our patrons about making opportunities beyond the Library. We integrated this information into our Maker Lab workshops, designed written materials promoting these spaces, posted their URLs on our walls and created field trips for patrons to experience these diverse spaces first hand. Through this patron-focused programmatic effort, the Library emerged as a natural convener for the growing assortment of groups offering making as an educational, creative or commercial activity throughout Chicagoland. With our primary partner MSI, we created and nurtured a new community.

Achieved Outcomes

Though our spaces serve different purposes, we share challenges and opportunities better addressed as a highly networked community. Coming together through the Summit has allowed diverse makerspaces to offer greater access and visibility of their services to the public, served as an effective job referral network and connected students and prospective students to highly relevant educational and career opportunities. With, makerspace field trips, the Chicagoland Maker Summit and frequent meetups to be launched in 2015, CPL has served as an effective convener of Chicago’s makers for the benefit of both the maker community and our patrons. As we exemplify curiosity, exploration and collaboration across spaces, we help Chicagoans develop the language and skills that support their success in today’s society and workplace.