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Management Team

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Management Team

Columbus Metropolitan Library

Library Operations & Management |

Innovation Synopsis


In 2006, our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) met to discuss the question “What is the structure or methodology needed to improve operational coordination, allow the Executive Director to concentrate on his role, and allow us to achieve better and more timely results by working smarter not harder?” The ELT had been working to elevate their attention to more strategic and outward facing activities. This necessitated some new way to insure that internal operation coordination was still happening.

Key Elements of Innovation

After trying a few months of joint meetings with the executive leadership team and all their direct reports, we decided to try a smaller team of select direct reports lead by one ELT member. Originally the team had 8 members from various departments.

The original vision of the management team was:

  • Efficiency improves and productivity increases
  • Improved communication and reporting
  • Lean and nimble organization
  • Organization prepared for the future
  • Striving for greater excellence
  • Less frustrations
  • Enhanced work-life balance
  • An ELT focused on leadership, strategy, guidance and people development
  • ELT guiding and leading but not handling daily tactics and operations
  • Organization that works smarter not harder

Achieved Outcomes

A little over three years of using a Management Team we feel we have obtained much of the original vision. We continue to refine the vision, goals and tasks of all three levels of leadership (Executive Director, Executive Leadership Team, and Management Team) through joint discussion and have recently refined the Management Team purpose to be:
  • Drive the annual tactical plan
  • Co-ordinate cross-departmental operational activities and understanding
  • Strategically and effectively evolve the organizational footprint
    • Survey the internal and external landscape to make sure we have the best processes, systems and a focus on improved efficiency and quality.