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Meaningful Movies and Conversations

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Meaningful Movies and Conversations

Fort Vancouver Regional Library District, Wash.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

Social justice documentaries are shown once a month at the Cascade Park Community Library. The following week participants are invited back to discuss the issues raised in a World Café format. Topics have covered subjects from racial inequality, the political divide, the environment and troubled youth.


Over time, the Cascade Park Community Library has attempted to have civic engagement programs with a range of success. A factor that led to less successful participation is that often the audience lacked the knowledge to discuss the topic. A group of citizen activists approached the branch librarian about using the community room to show social justice documentaries. The librarian saw an opportunity to educate the public on a topic and have a meaningful conversation.

Key Elements of Innovation

"Meaningful Movies and Conversations" have connected the library to a number of community organizations. When a topic is of particular interest to an organization, their members are invited. They bring further knowledge to the conversation. They can also hear the public’s concerns and desires. The World Café format provides a platform for civil dialogue among community members who may hold different opinions on the topic discussed. Pizzas are served since this is an evening program.

Achieved Outcomes

One desirable outcome is that participants gain knowledge on a particular subject. Afterwards they can have an informed discussion in a civil manner with each other. Participants can meet and talk personally with invited community leaders who are involved with the issue. Another outcome is that participants will be equipped and ready to take action on a topic after the program. Evaluations indicate that sometimes changes in behavior or perspectives do take place.