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MERGE Cube and Headsets Lending Program

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MERGE Cube and Headsets Lending Program

Broward County Library, Fla.

Education - Children & Adults | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

Broward County Library began a pilot program loaning augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) MERGE Cubes to customers in 2018 and extended it to include MERGE headsets in 2019. MERGE gear allows users to interact with 3-D objects for both educational and entertainment purposes, offering an immersive experience that features cutting-edge technology.


The MERGE Cube and Headset lending program builds on another innovative initiative launched at BCL in 2018 that was designed to expose community members to new technology. That program allows library cardholders to check out and take home iPads, internet hot spots, robotics and other high-tech gear. The addition of AR/VR equipment provides customers with new learning mediums, additional methods to access information and an enhanced, immersive 3-D library user experience that aligns with current technology trends.

Key Elements of Innovation

The MERGE Cube and Headset lending program’s key elements of innovation are the ease of access to cutting-edge AR/VR technology as well as its role in offering library customers new learning mediums that help ensure that BCL remains relevant and vibrant. The program provides an exciting visual learning tool that transforms how the modern library customer consumes information. As a learning tool, it offers thousands of VR experiences from vetted sources such as NASA, National Geographic and Disney.

Achieved Outcomes

BCL began loaning the MERGE Cubes in December 2018 and added headsets in January 2019, with the pilot promoted heavily in BCL’s print and electronic newsletters, social media, posters, flyers and other print materials. Circulation of MERGE Cubes has increased steadily since December. Beginning with a drastic spike in loans, participation increased 32% overall by May 2019. Circulation for the 100 MERGE headsets, launched in January 2019, also rose steadily (10% overall) during that time.