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“Mr. Librarian, Tear Down That Wall!”

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“Mr. Librarian, Tear Down That Wall!”

Gwinnett County Public Library, Ga.

Innovation Synopsis


Like many libraries, Gwinnett has experienced reduced staff and shorter hours. However, community needs have grown, outpacing traditional staffing models and increasing demands on branch access. Gwinnett also suffers from high traffic gridlock and low investment in public transit, compounding barriers to library resources. The library has used these challenges as a catalyst to streamline and tailor services so that time spent during transactions increase in value. Gwinnett has also increased cardholders through larger scale partnerships and outreach, connecting more people with online services as well as those in-branch. Flexible and creative services maximize resources while minimizing customer effort.

Key Elements of Innovation

Elements of Gwinnett’s customer service model change include:

  • Replacing large help desks with sleek, mobile workstations for flexible service
  • Using a browser-based ILS interface to deliver service with various devices
  • Using multifunction kiosks to reclaim staff time lost to routine clerical tasks
  • Adding Bibliotheca’s Open+ access for additional hours before opening
  • Scheduling appointments with staff for research help
  • Launching a school partnership to integrate student ID numbers with the ILS
  • Redesign of the library website for better access to content
  • New logo and branding donated by a community partner to signal these changes to the community

Achieved Outcomes

Changes to Gwinnett’s customer service model have dramatically increased access for school students, as well as for those who take advantage of Open+. By using multifunction kiosks in the service model, staff are more available during peak times and better manage their time with appointment scheduling. Scheduling also helps staff better match customers with library resources for their individual needs. Customers who prefer self-service options can expedite more of their transactions, while those who need personal assistance have access. Staff can also maximize their time to increase partnerships and outreach as the community acclimates to more self-service options.