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Multi-Disaster Response

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Multi-Disaster Response

Contra Costa County Library, Calif.

Library Operations & Management | 2020

Innovation Synopsis

In response to a series of crises, the library has made strategic decisions that best serve the public, protect the staff and elevate the county’s ability to respond to emergencies. The creation of new communications channels, committees and content along with the purchase of new platforms was key to surviving a tough year and what is to come.


In less than a year the library has survived closures due to power outages used to protect communities from wildfire, a ransomware attack that crippled our network and impacted public and staff services for months, COVID-19 closures and related layoffs and a 30-day wildfire, air quality event that forced multiple closures. Library staff had to learn how to communicate, provide library service and perform disaster service work, sometimes without power, email or phones, while wearing masks and staying socially distanced.

Key Elements of Innovation

Staffers deployed as disaster service workers in the COVID-19 call center, performing contact tracing, at the County Emergency Operations Center and collecting donations of PPE. The library used 3-D printers to create masks for essential workers, closed two libraries to be used as COVID-19 test sites and introduced a Pandemic Preparedness Plan outlining the safe stages to reopening. We have new task teams focused on reopening, and digital service. We’ve launched a multitude of online content and easy eCard registration.

Achieved Outcomes

The library network is upgraded with enhanced security, the entire staff is now using Office 365 which has encouraged and enabled successful and productive remote work. More use of email marketing tools, social media sites and the website has increased digital reach to new customers. A constant state of crisis has created new channels of communication and helped staff to successfully navigate stressful situations and provide the public with a high standard of service no matter how challenging the environment may be.