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New Access to Materials

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New Access to Materials

Wichita Public Library, Kan.

Health & Wellness | 2020

Innovation Synopsis

The Wichita Public Library continues to operate in a limited capacity. While access to browsing the shelves remains limited to staff only, several new opportunities have been created to help customers get access to materials and provide "raving fans"-quality customer service.


While access to browsing collections remains limited, staff knew customers needed different ways to access the collection. The following methods were created to accommodate access:

  • Concierge service in branches lets customers work with staff to find available materials inside the branch.
  • Reading Recommendations is an online form that lets customers work with selectors to choose up to five materials they might enjoy based on their interests.
  • Grab Bags provide young readers access to materials based on their interests.

Key Elements of Innovation

The goal of this project was to make the collection accessible to as many people as possible while upholding quality customer service. Online forms for reading recommendations and grab bags were created, staff were trained on providing reader’s advisory for concierge service and staff levels were readjusted to accommodate drive up windows and curbside delivery of holds. Staff focus shifted to help connect customers with materials that best fit their interests, and even helped customers discover new authors and titles.

Achieved Outcomes

During the first month of reading recommendations and grab bags, nearly 100 customers used these services and provided several positive comments to staff. Customers enjoy connecting with staff to discuss books and learning about other materials in the collection they might normally overlook. Customers appreciate the safety guidelines upheld by the library and enjoy this more personal form of finding materials.