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New Central Library Operational Readiness

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New Central Library Operational Readiness

Calgary Public Library, Alberta

Library Operations & Management | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

In October 2018, Calgary Public Library moves from our current Central Library into New Central Library. The awe-inspiring 240,000-square-foot library opens November 1. Our readiness and innovation plans ensure services offered in New Central Library match the building’s innovative design, while simultaneously igniting transformations across our libraries.


The programs and services delivered within New Central Library must meet and exceed community expectations for this new civic destination. At the same time, our entire system (20 libraries) cannot be left behind. To address these challenges, we have an Operational Readiness Plan and Plan for Innovation. These comprehensive documents have already led to system-wide organizational changes, transforming the way Calgary Public Library trains staff, hires employees and delivers programs and services.

Key Elements of Innovation

Our Plan for Innovation, which takes a design-thinking approach, is an inspirational document guiding the entire system to trial new and innovative services. It describes 83 service ideas, intended to animate New Central Library, which fall under four themes: learning and education, delight and play, social connection and personalized empowerment. Our Operational Readiness Plan outlines major planning components and metrics, ensuring all details for the move, opening and operation of the new building are addressed.

Achieved Outcomes

This move is the largest the library has ever undertaken. Our anticipated outcomes include a successful move, exceptional opening day activities (with 20,000+ attendees), and continued innovation within our services and programs across all libraries. By 2020, 2 million annual visits are projected at New Central Library. The City of Calgary has already completed an Operational Readiness Audit of our preparedness to take possession of and operate New Central Library, with incredibly positive results.