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New Start Entrepreneurship Incubator

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New Start Entrepreneurship Incubator

Gwinnett County Public Library

Workforce and Economic Development | 2024

Innovation Synopsis

The New Start Entrepreneurship Incubator (NSEI) supports a growing but largely overlooked subset of aspirational entrepreneurs: the formerly incarcerated. Our program provides business education through in-person classes, online coursework, and a robust network of mentors. A pitch event at the end of the program offers participants the chance to win funding for their business ideas. The New Start Entrepreneurship Incubator creates a learning environment in which systemically marginalized individuals can become entrepreneurs.


From a lack of affordable housing and adequate transportation to societal stigma and employment barriers, formerly incarcerated individuals face an array of challenges often referred to as a “second sentence.” A criminal record precludes employment in many fields. Available jobs are often low paying, offer few, if any, benefits, and are subject to wage inequalities that favor those without previous convictions. Individuals who cannot find stable housing or employment are more likely to recidivate than those who do, perpetuating a cycle that disproportionately affects communities of color. This impact is especially felt in Georgia, a state with one of the highest incarceration rates in the U.S. As the second most populous county, Gwinnett has a high population of citizens affected by the stigma of prison, jail, parole, or probation; 60% of this population is Black or Latino. Entrepreneurship can be a viable path to success for this population.

Key Elements of Innovation

The NSEI provides the knowledge and support needed to start a small business. It assumes no prior experience and anticipates many of the hardships outlined above.

Cohorts of 10-15 students attend monthly in-person classes with expert presenters. Between classes, students complete online coursework asynchronously.

Students are paired with a volunteer mentor, current and former entrepreneurs, for support.

To remove technology barriers, students can borrow laptops and hotspots during the course.

An Outreach Coordinator with a background in social work connects students with community resources and other support opportunities.

This program began in 2021 and further innovated in 2023 to include an opportunity for students to participate in a pitch session, called Launchpad. Program graduates pitch their business ideas to a panel of local business experts. The process provides students with valuable feedback on their ideas and the possibility of winning seed money for their businesses.

Achieved Outcomes

29 formerly incarcerated individuals have graduated from the New Start Entrepreneurship Incubator, for a graduation rate of 60%.

Program graduates have successfully launched 10 new businesses.

The businesses created by NSEI graduates have hired more than 20 additional employees. At least 5 of these businesses have created new employment opportunities for other formerly incarcerated individuals, helping to reduce recidivism.

3 businesses won seed money through the Launchpad pitch competition in 2023.