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NPL Jobs Lab & Mobile Jobs Lab

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NPL Jobs Lab & Mobile Jobs Lab

Nashville Public Library, Tenn.

Workforce and Economic Development

Innovation Synopsis

Nashville Public Library provides a place for people to receive individual help with creating resumes, searching and completing applications for jobs online, as well as upgrading their digital literacy skills through a series of classes designed to introduce them to computers and the Internet.


During the Recession, when thousands lost jobs and were applying for employment online for the first time, NPL responded. The Library partnered with the NPL Foundation, which funded staff, and the Nashville Career Advancement Center, which provided additional computers, a mobile storage trunk and staff training, to open NPL’s Mobile Jobs Lab. Today, NPL has reached out to the TN Workforce Investment Board to assist in the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act of 2014. NPL has also partnered with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools’ Project Search program. This is a one-year internship for students with disabilities whose goal is competitive employment. NPL helps prepare these students for work in areas such as how to dress and prepare for an interview.

Key Elements of Innovation

The job labs are located at the Main Library and the Madison Branch Library. Job Lab Contact Cards allow patrons to leave their contact information and request follow up from an NPL career coach. These cards help build rapport: we want patrons to know we care about them and their job success. The coach is a resource, not only for job search and application assistance, but also for individual resume help.

Achieved Outcomes

Over the last few years, we have become increasingly aware of the segment of the adult population in Nashville that lacks basic digital literacy skills. Without those skills, it is nearly impossible to obtain employment and be a full participant in today’s job market. NPL is committed to providing free opportunities to our community to receive help navigating the online job application process and to providing digital literacy skills training.